Sunday, July 27, 2014

I Wish it Was Sundae


"Happy Sunday" nonetheless.…

I found that, and it made me smile... so... what the heck? I want a rubber duck as a pet! Eh.. maybe not. A rock would be way more stable. I would glue little googly eyes on it and name him Gerald. We would play lots of games like hide and go seek, or twister. And he wouldn't be afraid to tell me about his feelings. Because he's a rock and I'm a human. Just a human. And not a unicorn or a mermaid. GOSHDANGIT


Gerald's extended family

Gerald: The early years


Grandpa rock..?

Patrick's pet rock

Peter's pet rock... FLOATS!? NO FAIR!

*Chocolate milk is quite possibly the best thing ever. 

 By the way, I'm not sure if I'll ever get around to writing out my full experience at Anthrocon. Unless you want me to, I probably won't. However, I have decided that I will be saving up to go next year. I missed too much stuff not to! xD And not to mention that it was lots of fun! I plan to film Sparky, fursuiting as Zomzey, and possibly some other stuff. The great thing about Anthrocon is that no one really cares... I mean, I saw all kinds of stuff so filming with an lps figure would not be a big deal. Hahaha!

So now for the part you care about. New videos coming out next week. After that, it'll be like a bomb was set off on LPSlover because I'll be puttin' up videos! Huzzah! Oh and did I mention that I'm on my 100th video?? Pretty darn tootin' if I say so myself. I mean, I've made way more than 100 vids, but this will be 100 vids on LPSlover... :) Oh and my 7th year anniversary on YouTube is coming up! 7 is my favorite number, so that's wonderful! Yay happiness and butterflies and other cute things.


Back to stuff going on in my life... I just finished playing the 4th episode of the second season of the Walking Dead Game and it was... Sad.... :( SPOILERS AHEAD! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. I didn't feel like I made the right choices, but that game is hard no matter how you play it. I cut off Sarita's arm, and Kenny wasn't too pleased with me to say the least. I still really like Kenny. It's funny how he gets fired up about one thing in particular after a bad situation. Like the baby. Jane was a cool character and I thought it was hilarious when I found her and Luke bein' all lovey dovey xD Mike is boss. Bonnie... major meh right there. Rebecca kinda has a right to be the way she is. I ship Luke and Clementine. Yeah, it'll take a few years but... TEAM LUKENTINE! I left Sarah at the trailer park... I'm not a horrible person... I just didn't think there was much hope I guess? She's with her dad now soooooooo... yup. And that ending! Man, I hate Arvo so far! And poor Rebecca! I thought she was just going to chomp that poor baby! I took care of her though... UGH THE FEELS RIGHT NOW RUN DEEP IN THIS ONE 

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